Genetically Modified Foods are always a topic of debate. Should we consume it because of enriched nutrient properties or avoid because of suspected health hazard? People are always confused about it henceforth, end-up in avoiding such innovation. But what are real facts? Are we doing right by rejecting this innovation? Why many scientists are promoting the use of GM crops and food? Is this a worldwide propaganda for profit or has something to do in improving health?
To analyze the facts, there is a need to analyze what GM foods are and how they are different from cross-breeding products that are practiced for long without protest?
Genetically modified food involves the transfer of DNA from one genome into another with a motive to add the resistant properties against microbes, pest, drought, etc. as well as enhancing their nutritional value, that is not possible to happen naturally. The new DNA is transferred to the plant cell whose properties are required to be enhanced followed by growth in tissue culture, resulting in a plant. The seeds of the plant, therefore, contain modified DNA with required properties. To transfer the DNA, usually, two types of processes are used. One is the bombardment method where required DNA fragment is coated on small metal fragments (Usually Gold Particles) and bombarded on plant cells, resulting in uptake of DNA by the cells. Another method requires the use of bacteria or viruses to transfer the required fragment of DNA. Here, the gene is transferred to Agrobacterium tumefaciens, commonly used bacteria for GM, and finally, bacteria are transferred to the plant cell (1).
Consider the cross-breeding process where two plants of desired attributes are cross-breed together to produce offspring, with the quality of both. It also involves indirect genetic modification but the difference is, it’s less accurate than GM. When two crops are cross-breed, there is no genetic level control on the transfer of genes which may cause the transfer of undesired genes also, unknown to the breeder. For example, one plant is high yielding and the other is virus-resistant but along with, contains antibiotic-resistant properties. While cross-breeding, it may happen that antibiotic-resistant genes will also get transferred along with virus-resistant genes, causing the new plant to be high yielding, virus-resistant, and antibiotic-resistant. When such plants are consumed for a long time, it may transform people to be antibiotic-resistant, leading it difficult to treat bacterial diseases. Such incidents are not possible in genetic modification as the transfer is done only for the desired fragment of DNA.
Then why is there a protest against GMOs?
One of the reasons is combining the DNA of allergen plants to non-allergen plant. According to the research published in PubMed, 2S albumen protein was transferred from Brazil nut to soybean by genetic engineering. Since many people were allergic to Brazil nut (not soybean), they showed allergic reactions after consumption of GM soybean (2).
If GM crops are harmful, then why many researchers are promoting GM food worldwide?
There is a significant increase in the production of GM crops in developing countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Due to high productivity, farm incomes have been increased by $186 billion within a time-span of 21 years (1996-2016). Since most of the GM crops are designed to be pest-resistant, it has caused a decrease in the environment footprints by 18% due to a reduction in pesticide usage (4).
BT cotton (A GM Crop) has protected the fate of Indian farmers by protecting their cotton crops from bollworm which has caused 50-60% crop loss earlier. By adoption of BT cotton, the crops are not only protected with infestation but also has increased yield by 8-10% (4).
Moreover, GM crops are also designed with increased nutritional properties e.g. Golden Rice. To combat the problem of night Blindness, rice variety is genetically engineered to biosynthesize beta-carotene in the edible part. In 2005, it is proved that golden rice contains 23 times more beta carotene than the original rice (5). Flavr Savr is a genetically modified tomato that has a slow ripening time that helps in retaining shape, texture, and flavor of tomato intact for a long time.
There are a lot of controversies related to GM crops. While there are so many pieces of evidence for showing the importance of GM crops, there are some incidences and myths also which are motivating people to protest against. If gene transfer is done by carefully analyzing the allergens, carcinogenic genes, and other injurious genes, genetic modification can be a boon for the agriculture and food industry and has the potential to achieve the goal of food security worldwide.
The Royal Society: What is genetic modification of crop and how is it done
J A Nordlee, S L Taylor, J A Townsend, L A Thomas, R K Bush (1996). Identification of a Brazil-nut Allergen in Transgenic Soybeans. DOI: 10.1056/NEJM199603143341103
Nigel G Halford and peter R Shewry (2000). Genetically Modified Crops: methodology, benefits, regulations, and public concern. Documented benefits of GM crops
Jacqueline A Paine, Catherine A Shipton, Sunandha Chaggar, Rhian M Howells, Mike J Kennedy, Gareth Vernon, Susan Y Wright, Edward Hinchliffe, Jessica L Adams Aron L Silverstone & Rachel Drake (2005). Increasing the nutritional value of golden rice through increased pro-vitamin A content.